Gabriel Rau

UNSW Water Research Laboratory
Manly Vale Campus
Feel free to inspect my short CV, view my complete publication list, and check out my research impact through Google Scholar.
I am an water engineer interested in physical and chemical hydrogeology, hydrogeologic processes, subsurface heat transport, hydrogeological responses to different forcing factors, and fundamental transport of heat and solute in natural porous materials. I love to get my hands dirty in the lab and in the field in order to quantify properties and processes from real-world observations.
My favourite research task is to deploy engineering approaches (i.e., hydraulic laboratory experimentation) to better understand and inform water resource and geosience problems. This is the reason why I particularly enjoy the facilities and opportunities provided by the Water Research Laboratory in Manly Vale, Sydney. I am employed by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and affiliated with the Connected Waters Initiative Research Centre. My office is located at the Water Research Laboratory.