Jamie Ruprecht

UNSW Water Research Laboratory
Manly Vale Campus
Jamie Ruprecht is a Project Engineer at the Water Research Laboratory in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Jamie has a BE in Civil Engineering and a MEngSci specialising in Water Resources. Jamie has been with WRL since 2010 and has managed and undertaken several large projects during this time.
His primary fields of interest are related to estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality including restoration of estuarine environments, acid sulfate soils, coastal wetlands, boat wake waves, outfall hydraulics and field testing, and related physical and numerical models.
While Jamie’s work is particularly focused on estuarine environments, his practical experience crosses all water related environments including reservoirs, wetlands, groundwater and coastal settings.
D.N. Foster Award – 2009
National Trust of Australia’s Heritage Award – 2013
Engineers Australia's Engineering Excellence Award (NSW) - 2014